Frequently asked questions.
How often should I be taking class for optimal results?
For optimal results we suggest taking class about 2-3 times a week. One of the best things about our method is its efficiency, so a few times a week is really all you need! Our workout is low impact enough for the body to handle coming every day if you want to come more
When should I get to my first class?
We suggest that you arrive 15 minutes before your first class. This will give us time to show you around the studio and introduce you to our method and machines. Coaches spend about five minutes with first-timer before class to make sure they are set up to have the best experience.
What should I wear to class?
Comfortable, athletic clothing. We do require you wear sticky socks or socks with grips. We sell them at the studio if you need to pick up a pair.
Can I take class while pregnant?
We always suggest consulting with your doctor on this one. Typically, we don’t recommend trying a new workout if you’re expecting, however clients who have been regularly attending classes are usually clear to continue doing so. Our instructors are trained to give modifications to clients who are expecting, so please be sure to let them know before class so they can customize your workout